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Know Thyself: Man looking through magnifying glass at himself.

Navigating the Journey to Self-Knowledge

Know Thyself or Gnothi seauton was the Delphic Oracle's most famous maxim and was inscribed upon the Temple of Apollo. This wasn't without reason. Our journey to lasting happiness involves a good knowledge of ourselves. Still, sadly most of us are only scratching the surface of self-knowledge - when interested in obtaining it at all. In this article, I'd like to give you some tips to start the exciting journey of self-discovery.

Why is it important to know about yourself?

"I have often marveled at how everyone loves himself above all others, yet places less value on his own opinion of himself than that of everyone else…So much greater is our respect for what our neighbors think of us than what we think of ourselves!" Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 12.4

Knowing yourself is the foundation for authentic living aligned with your values and interests. The Stoic pursuit of eudaimonia (inner peace and contentment) is built on self-knowledge. Without knowing about ourselves, this goal is unlikely to achieve as we cannot properly evaluate and make decisions that align with our true values, thus contributing to lasting happiness.

Self-knowledge enables you to understand your past and your current situation. Furthermore, it gives you insights into how to move forward to shape your future. You get in touch with who you are and develop knowledge of why certain events or circumstances have had a particular effect on your life. You can better understand why those events may cause current struggles or feelings of unhappiness. This will enable you to identify triggers that adversely affect your well-being and guide you on how to improve it and live a life according to your nature.

Exploring who you are will allow you to actively build your life into a more fulfilling one, simplified to your values, skills, and interests. Clouds of uncertainty will fade away, and clarity will emerge.

One last note before we get right into the practical stuff. The journey of self-knowledge is a process. Life is like a hiking trail; views and the nature of the path are constantly changing, and so do we. Our values and interests may change over time; thus, we must continuously cultivate self-knowledge.

10 Practical Tips to Increase Your Self-Knowledge

"Begin by prescribing to yourself some character and demeanor, such as you may preserve both alone and in company." Epictetus, Enchiridion 33

Start with the end

Especially your end. Imagine you're lying on your deathbed. What would you regret not having done? What would you recommend to your younger self what he or she should do? What values should they embrace? Which behaviors and habits would you recommend giving up?

Make self-reflection a habit

Each day, reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Questions them and try to figure out why you thought what you thought, felt what you felt, and behaved as you behaved.


At the end of the day, take a couple of minutes to write about your experiences. Uncover patterns in your thoughts and feelings. You may encounter interesting things about yourself. Ask yourself what was within your control and what was not in these situations.

Ask deep questions

Asking yourself challenging personal questions about your goals in life, fears, desires, and aversions can help you learn more about yourself.

  1. What top values do I hold myself accountable for, and how do they influence my daily life?
  2. What are my biggest fears?
  3. What actions or situations trigger strong emotions in me? How do I usually react, and what does it say about my personality?
  4. What am I most passionate about, and do I make time for these passions in my daily life?
  5. What usually frustrates me, and what's the reason behind my frustration?
  6. If I could change one thing about my character, what would it be and why?
  7. Am I genuinely content with my life as it is right now, or am I constantly seeking something else? If so, what am I searching for? Would it make me happier? If yes, why do I believe that?

Ask for feedback

Very often, there's a (huge) gap between our self- and external perception. Asking others for feedback can provide valuable insights into aspects of yourself you're currently not aware of.

Strengths and weaknesses

What are you good at, and what skills do you have? What are you not good at, and where can you improve? List the three most important things you consider your strengths and the three most significant weaknesses you'd like to improve.

Explore Your Interests

Trying new activities can help you discover new facets of yourself. But that's not enough. Trying something new often feels uncomfortable at first, so whenever you do that, do it a couple of times. After each recent activity, reflect upon your experiences and feelings. What aspects of that activity did you like and what dislike?

Practice Mindfulness

It's the foundation of practicing Stoicism and absolutely valuable for your journey of self-discovery. Experiencing and observing your thoughts and emotions in the present moment can strengthen your sense of self-awareness. As a consequence, you'll learn more about yourself.

Your perfect day

What would your ideal day look like? Visualize and write down every detail. How do you feel when you wake up, and when do you wake up? What do you hear and smell at the moment of waking up? Go on like this and think about why the things you're jotted down are meaningful to you.

Try a personality test

While not definitive and best done under professional supervision, there are great personality tests that offer valuable insights and could help get a first picture of your character traits.

  1. VIA Institute on Character
  2. Truity
  3. The Big Five

Whether you're a Stoic, interested in Stoicism, or just interested in general well-being and personal improvement, mastering yourself and your life begins with rock-solid self-knowledge and understanding who you are. With this knowledge comes great confidence in your abilities and what you want, making navigating life more straightforward.


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