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Process of Stoic mantras. Brain with lamp, cloud and lightning.

How to Change Your Life with the Power of Stoic Mantras.

Hey! Are you wondering how to better use Stoic techniques in your daily life? Do you struggle to implement the teachings of Stoicism? If so, Stoic mantras may be just what you need. Interested? Then learn how to choose a mantra that suits your needs and how you can integrate them into your daily routine. Get inspired, get creative, and write your own mantras today.


If maintaining peace of mind in difficult situations is problematic, Stoic mantras can help. They are designed to shift the focus back to your principles. Mantras force your thoughts to pause and to react rationally. They are simple, easy to remember, and effortless to integrate into your daily routines.

What are Stoic Mantras? A Definition.

"Such as are your habitual thoughts, so also will be the character of your mind. For the soul is dyed by its thoughts." Marcus Aurielius, Meditations 5.16

Stoic mantras are simple phrases that can help to ground and focus your thoughts, providing a sense of calm when you're struggling. Stoics often summarize their principles in concise statements to easily remember and apply them.

Why you should use Stoic Mantras

You can use Stoic mantras to replace misguiding thoughts with rational and helpful thoughts. They'll help you remember to reposition your views and act accordingly when specific situations occur. It's easy to get caught up in negative thinking patterns. Thus, Stoic mantras provide an easy way to shift the focus back to your principles.

Using Stoic mantras gives you a powerful tool to bring back your attention to your Stoic values and utilize any situation to your advantage. Rather than being paralyzed by your emotions, you can take a step back to reflect and focus on whatever you are trying to accomplish with your mantra.

It's necessary to have good attention to identifying the trigger for these misleading thoughts or behaviors. After receiving a stimulus or input, our brain begins to work, thoughts forming, emotions coming up, and then we respond. Mantras start their work right after the stimulus (or trigger), exactly at the point where thoughts are formed. Victor Frankl said: Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

A mantra is one way to open that space, slow down the automatic and unconscious process between stimulus and response, and choose a deliberate response.

How to Get Started Practicing and How to Choose the Right Stoic Mantra for You

Creating your own Stoic mantras is easier than you might think, and it is also a lot of fun.

First, think about typical situations where you usually get frustrated, anxious, worried, upset, stressed, etc. Then, write a mantra for each of these events. Make them simple and easy to memorize. You can also choose your favorite quote that aligns with the intention you have in mind.

Stoic Buddy offers a Trigger section where you can easily access them when needed.

Next, imagine yourself in a specific situation, saying your mantra to yourself. Close your eyes and make a crystal clear picture in your mind. This is a good preparation and will help you if it becomes a reality.

Lastly, say your Stoic mantra whenever you encounter one of your events and act accordingly.

Whenever you recognize that a mantra isn't working, feel free to change it to your needs. Keep doing this until you find one that works for you. It's a process, not a once-in-a-lifetime task that works perfectly on your first attempt.

10 Examples of Stoic Mantras

Below are ten examples of Stoic mantras that you can use to help focus your thoughts and emotions. Let them inspire you, or feel free to use them when you find them helpful. Only your imagination is the limit to a good mantra.

  1. Nature has given men one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear twice as much as we speak. 
  2. I'm strong enough to resist.
  3. Setbacks are there to test me.
  4. Difficulties are things that show what men are.
  5. I'm wise enough to pause. I choose to respond kindly.
  6. Outside events can't touch my inner peace.
  7. I'm in control of my emotions, no one else.
  8. I'm only the archer. I can't control if the arrow hits the target, but I hold my intentions and actions.
  9. I'm not a dog craving a sausage; I'm a human being with control over my cravings.
  10. Kind, open, and objective.

Now have fun writing and playing around with your mantras.

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