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Illustration of a Stoic sage, looking like an Indian Guru.

The Stoic Sage: A Virtuous Ideal to Strive For

Do you want to become wise and able to always come to good, virtuous judgments and decisions? If so, you should get to know the Stoic sage. An ideal worth striving for and can help you on your Stoic journey to happiness. This article will explore what it means to be a Stoic sage and how to pursue such an admirable ideal.


The Stoic sage is the ideal role model as they embody the perfect application of the Stoic virtues. It is impossible to reach this ideal, but there are 4 steps you can take to get closer to becoming more like the sage. When practiced regularly, this concept is incredibly powerful and can help guide you toward a flourishing life.

A Short Definition of the Stoic Sage

The Stoic sage personifies the perfect application of the Stoic virtues. They never fail in their Stoic practice and live permanently with peace of mind and eudaimonia. The sage no longer feels negative emotions but flourishes entirely as a rational human being.

Of course, this is not possible, but it is an ideal every Stoic should strive for. The Stoic sage can be seen as a role model, someone who lives at the highest standards of virtue and therefore is admired by Stoic practitioners.

But knowing that human nature is flawed, Stoics accept and are aware that they will never reach the stage of a sage. It is enough to do the best one can to get closer every day.

"Such, my dear Lucilius, is the counsel of Epicurus; he has quite properly given us a guardian and an attendant. We can get rid of most sins, if we have a witness who stands near us when we are likely to go wrong. The soul should have someone whom it can respect, - one by whose authority it may make even its inner shrine more hallowed. Happy is the man who can make others better, not merely when he is in their company, but even when he is in their thoughts! And happy also is he who can so revere a man as to calm and regulate himself by calling him to mind! One who can so revere another, will soon be himself worthy of reverence." Seneca, Moral letters to Lucilius, 11.9

How to Become a Stoic Sage?

As mentioned above, it is impossible to become a Stoic sage. Nevertheless, you can use this idea of a perfect Stoic as a guiding light toward happiness and a fulfilling life.

How can the Stoic Sage help you on your journey?

Imagine that you must immediately explain your thoughts or actions to someone whenever you're doing or thinking something. This person observes every thought and action and is someone you're really looking up to and admire. Someone whose opinion is meaningful to you. What do you do if such a person exists and is watching you day in and day out? Would you always act the way you currently do? Or would you do something different?

Having your ideal Stoic sage in mind can help you challenge your own behavior against that ideal. By that, you will get better and better and each day closer to your ideal role model.

Before you can do that, you should have your role model in mind. So your task is to describe your personal sage as vividly as possible. It doesn't have to be a real person. Still, it can also be a mixture of a family member, a friend, Superman, Yoda, a historical person, dead or alive, fictionary, imaginary or real - all that doesn't matter as long as it's a good role model and you see something you admire in that person. Just create your own sage like that.

The 4 Step Approach Toward the Stoic Sage

  1. Create an image of your ideal Stoic sage. Describe this person as vividly as possible, with all the character traits you admire. You can also create different scenarios, like movie scenes, to help you prepare. What would your sage do when they have had a rude encounter at the grocery store? What would the sage do when they were stuck in a traffic jam?
  2. Imagine that your role model is with you during your day, and whenever you think or act contrary to your Stoic principles, ask yourself what your sage would think. Whenever you recognize that you're not behaving virtuously, ask yourself how your role model would act and adjust your behavior.
  3. As many of us don't have the continuous awareness to catch everything on the fly, you can use the evening to reflect on the day, asking yourself what went wrong and where you didn't behave virtuously. What would your role model have done in this situation? Write down how you want to act the next time and how you can be more like your role model.
  4. Each morning reread your notes as a preparation for your day ahead. 

Applying these steps regularly will help you develop the qualities the Stoic sage embodies and gradually become more like your ideal. Keep in mind, however, that becoming a Stoic sage is an endless journey - not a destination you can reach one day. But it's worth the effort and will help you lead a happier and more meaningful life!

Now go ahead and define your own Stoic role model - good luck and have fun practicing Stoicism!

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