The Flourishing Stoic: Inspiring Food For Thought That Helps You With Your Stoic Practice. Send it to me!

Female archer in front of mountains aiming for hitting a target.

Learn more about the metaphor of the Stoic archer and how you can develop such a powerful mindset.

What is the Stoic archer metaphor? What can you learn from it, and how can you apply the teachings to your own life and make it work for you? Read on, and fate permitting, you gain a little bit more wisdom, but at least a little more knowledge about the Stoic archer.

"Things not dependent on my own will are nothing to me." Epictetus, Discourses 1.30


The metaphor of the Stoic archer is about a process-driven mindset, not outcome driven. You might aim at something, but the result can be totally different due to many variables you have no control over. Developing a Stoic archer mindset will help you actively shape your life while having more control over your happiness and peace of mind. Failures and successes become opportunities for growth, not just obstacles or meaningless events. Whether or not you hit your target, your happiness becomes unshakable.

What is the Stoic archer metaphor about?

The metaphor of the Stoic archer tries to explain the essence of Stoic ethics. It suggests approaching your life as a practicing Stoic as an archer does. Just think a moment and imagine you're holding a bow, trying to hit a target. You start to concentrate, slow down, and try to hyper-focus on your target. Maybe you try different strategies with your eyes? One eye open, or two eyes? Uhh, your target is moving, so you're getting a little nervous. And again, you try to slow down - and so on.

You do everything you can to hit the target.

However, some of you might get angry or disappointed when failing. Right? So do archery novices. But, of course, Stoics are striving to become "archery" masters. So the ancient Stoics took a look at those masters and recognized that these people were well aware that they could only control themselves. Not if they're hitting or missing their target, but the effort they put into their actions makes the difference.

There are various variables between the bow, the moment the archer releases the arrow, and the moment it (hopefully) hits its target that can influence the result. A fast movement, a blast of air, your friend nudging your shoulder to make you miss the target and annoy you a little bit… All these variables can determine whether you hit or bypass your aim.

That's what it's basically all about. You are only the archer. You can't control if the arrow hits your target, but you hold your intentions, actions, and effort within your control.

What does this mean for your life? The philosophy behind the Stoic archer mindset.

As an archer shouldn't get angry when missing the target, a Stoic practitioner shouldn't get mad or emotionally upset when something goes wrong. You can't control the outcome. Put all your efforts into everything within your personal reach, meaning everything you have direct control over. Then, accept whatever the outcome will be and work with these results.

Never, never ever let your happiness depend on the outcome! The outcome and the consequences you might have to face are not within your control. Again, if you hit or not isn't vital for your peace of mind. The only thing that matters is shooting well.

Process over outcome - Your chance for growth

Now, let us get into the practical part of this post. How can you apply the teachings of the Stoic archer to your life?

Being a Stoic means striving for wisdom. To gain wisdom, you must constantly learn by reflecting upon your experiences. When something goes wrong, you fall short and miss your target by a mile, don't let your emotions rule your state of mind. That's the first step. Stay in control of your emotions. That's easier said than done and maybe the biggest challenge for every (upcoming) Stoic. Even very experienced Stoics fail to do so from time to time. I don't count myself as one of those very experienced ones, but I do have a little experience, and believe me, it will happen that your emotions overtake you.

Then, as every successful athlete would do, analyze and reflect on what went wrong. What could you personally have done better? Where can you improve, and what went well? Can you identify the variables outside your control? Can you make them more visible or predictable next time?

Lastly, adapt your process to the insides of your reflection.

That is the mindset we want to cultivate as Stoics. Process-focused, centered around ourselves, and independent of the outcome. That's the essence of the Stoic archer metaphor.

How you can benefit from following a Stoic archer attitude

Having such a mindset will benefit you in different ways. You free yourself from the completely uncertain outcomes of your actions. Thus, your happiness won't depend on it and its consequences. External factors like luck or unexpected happenings can't disturb your mind. You get mentally stronger and increase the likelihood of developing an unshakable mental constitution.

You get confident in your process as you adapt and improve it with each reflection. You learn from your mistakes but also from your successes. Failure is not your enemy anymore; it becomes your friend on your journey to eudaimonia. Finally, you gain more control over your life by actively shaping it. That's the power of the Stoic archer.

To benefit from it, you should start practicing and experiencing Stoicism by yourself. Only by that can you develop a Stoic archer mindset. 

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